Pre-Production: Introduction

This year I have worked on my A2 level media production; working in a group of three to create:
  • A promotion packaghe for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options:
  • A website homepage for the film. (We have decided not to include this task)
  • A film magazine front cover, featuring the film.
  • A Poster for the film.
We have decided to create the package for an action genre movie, and have chosen not to include the website as part of our project, only working on the trailer, posters and magazine cover. We decided to use our separate skills in a team to create an authentic portfolio in which to present as our coursework. We started by researching different action movie trends and conventions to baser our trailer on as well as the genre itself; we felt we needed to follow these conventions to make a successful and realistic teaser trailer that fit into the genre well. As a group, we also wanted to follow the conventions of action movie posters and movie magazine covers, we looked closely at examples of these, and took aspects of the recurring images and themes that we thought would go well with our project, eventually applying them to our work. A big part of our work had to be the production itself, and we used our individual skill set to work together and produce this. I have presented all of the research, production stages and evaluation on this blog and have obviously included the finished work itself.

The group consists of Danny Read (Me), Charlie Dymond and Samuel Turner, they have been working on the same portfolio of work, and have used their own individual skills to help produce it. We are presenting the same production work, but obviously we have worked separately on our blog work.

Here are links to each of their blogs:

Charlie Dymond:

Samuel Turner:

I have tried to present all of my work as simply as possible by separating each part of the production (pre-production, production and post production), whilst also including different sections within each part of these production stages.

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